#54 – A Truly Reflective Post (Reflect)

Curiousness has been quite an adventure for me. Sitting back and thinking about how much I have changed throughout the semester is absolutely mind boggling. Going back and looking at my first few posts makes me realize that I have become so much more confident in my work. When I first started this class, I did not want anyone, not even my best friend or boyfriend, looking at my blog. I kept to myself and did my posts in obscure places so I was sure that nobody would see me. As I got further into it, I finally started breaking down barriers. I began to talk about some of my ideas with my friends. Not too in depth, but I would mention them. I hit a real milestone one day in class. Will was going through blogs and for some unknown reason, I raised my hand and said I wanted him to look at mine. I have no clue what I was thinking, because I was nervous as hell. However, it helped me a lot. It made me realize that nobody was going to trash my work, nobody was going to call me stupid, nobody was going to be judgmental.

Another instance that really got to me was when Will did his seven minute writing exercise. He made a point that he didn’t think he should have typed some of the things he did, but he did anyway because something could come out of it. After these events, I really started coming out of my shell. I’m generally a fairly quiet person, but I allowed myself to blurt out whatever came to my mind at any time, even if it wasn’t relevant to a conversation, just because I thought it was interesting and it had potential for a post or other idea. Honestly, my whole personality changed. I became much more open and comfortable, not only with my blog ideas, but with myself in general. I have never been a really confident person, so it was a nice change.

I think having Tide as our brand of focus did me good as well. Tide was something I was very familiar with. I used the detergent already and knew a little bit about the brand itself. I have to admit, I was very apprehensive because I didn’t believe it could foster so much creativity. Boy was I wrong. I learned so much from this brand it’s ridiculous. Tide is so much more than detergent. It can be funny, sad, sarcastic, sassy, intelligent, you name it. Tide can be what you make it. As is stands now, it is about making simple improvements in everyday life, and I feel as if I can really relate to that. I’m the type of person who will go out of her way to make someone feel better or make life easier. Being able to relate to the brand in the first place let me get the hang of things and learn to connect with brands in general. I know most, if not all, of my ideas would be shot down if the Tide company saw them, but I know how hard I worked on this blog, and I am darn proud of it.

After going through this course, I feel like a totally new person, really. I feel like I’ve transformed from this


To this


All over again. And that’s a really good feeling.

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