#52 – Where’s Waldo! Also, I learned Photoshop, guys. (Reflect)

I don’t know how my brain comes up with this crap…


I love those stupid Where’s Waldo books. I am absolutely terrible at finding him, but I love them. It’s hard to believe how intricate they are and how much time has to be put in to creating those.

I decided it would be fun to create a Tide Where’s Waldo. Now, I’m no technology aficionado yet, so I know this isn’t perfect, but I spent a few hours teaching myself how to use Photoshop and I now think it is the coolest thing ever. If I knew how, I would have created an entire collage type thing of all different detergents and products from different brands and made the goal to find the Tide ones.

wheres waldo copy

There is a Tide bottle, a tub of Tide Pods, a Tide To Go pen, and a Tide logo hidden in here.

Also, because I wrote a paper about viral advertising, I thought this kind of showed how brand loyalty works. No matter how difficult it is to find Waldo, people are going to sit there and look around the freaking page until they see his stupid little striped shirt. In the same way, people who religiously use Tide are going to search store after store until they find what they want, not matter how long it takes. WORD.

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