#52 – Where’s Waldo! Also, I learned Photoshop, guys. (Reflect)

I don’t know how my brain comes up with this crap… I love those stupid Where’s Waldo books. I am absolutely terrible at finding him, but I love them. It’s hard to believe how intricate they are and how much time has to be put in to creating those. I decided it would be fun […]

#48 – Liberty bonds! (Empathy)

THOUGHT PROCESS: Empathy -> similarity -> siamese twins -> siamese cats -> The Aristocats -> artists -> stereotype -> stereo -> record player -> voice recorder -> spy -> 007 -> James Bond -> Liberty Bond! First of all, we are going to pretend for the purpose of this post that Tide was created BEFORE […]

#45 – Parody on parody on parody.

I went on the Gain website and found that they have videos of real customers expressing how great their detergent is. I find them freaking hilarious. I tried really really hard not to laugh at some of these people but seriously, I’m sure Gain had better videos sent in for them to choose from. So, […]

#46 – Tide Smiles for Miles

For one of my previous posts I came up with a campaign, and I think it went over really well. I decided to take the idea of creating a campaign and expand on it in a different scenario. I’ve been really disturbed by all the mess going on in Boston. My friend Sam goes to […]

#43 – Scrub in, Doctor.

Being completely clean is probably most important in a hospital. I know when I have been admitted, the nurses are washing their hands every five seconds. It would be terrible for them to pass on germs from one patient to another and cause them even more trouble. If you’re having an operation, you definitely want […]

#42 – Your laundry, Your Highness.

Tide is a pretty common thing, right? It’s affordable and everyone in any social class has access to it. Of course, this is the way we want it to stay. However, what if it wasn’t? What if Tide was a very high class, sophisticated product that was only used for the laundry of royalty? I […]

#41 – Babysitter from hell (Evil)

So I did one of those seven minute writing exercises and I really like this idea! If you’ve ever watched The Fairly Oddparents, you know that Timmy Turner has a nasty babysitter named Vicky. As much as I hate to assume this, I’m sure there are babysitters just as bad in reality. Not paying attention […]

#40 – Southern Comfort (Evil)

Devil -> Demons -> Demonic -> Harmonic -> Harmonica -> Southern -> Sweet Tea -> lemonade -> Southern comfort food I am thoroughly impressed how far away my brain is able to get from the directive this week. Like wow. I just recently started liking country music again and I’m kind of obsessed. My favorite […]

#39 – Couples Therapy (Evil)

Here’s my thought process, I apologize in advance: Evil -> Ghosts -> Ghost adventures -> Danny Phantom -> Phantom Limb Syndrome -> amputation -> soldiers -> veterans -> ptsd -> therapy -> physical therapy -> COUPLES THERAPY Relationships are difficult, right? Even if they are as head over heels in love as can be, couples […]

#38 – Evel Knieval style (Evil)

Evel Knieval was pretty much the most badass guy on the face of the planet. He jumped his motor cycle over 13 buses, broke his pelvis, and decided he wasn’t done being a daredevil. He never gave up his passion for adrenaline, even after multiple crashes and denials. So, why doesn’t Tide have the same […]