#30 – Car companion (Quotidian)

I am a huge mess maker. Every day I either spill something on the floor, get food on my shirt, or break something valuable. Fun story for you. I have a friend who is OBSESSED with his car. It’s a red Mustang convertible, so I understand why, but it’s kind of ridiculous. He gets it washed almost every week, doesn’t let anyone who smokes within twenty five feet of it, and has a panic attack if you get a single crumb on one of the seats. I hung out with him the other day and made he mistake of eating a granola bar in his passengers seat. Being the messy person I am, I got a few chunks of the bar on the floor. He had a God awful fit. I had to immediately pick up every little minuscule piece of food that I had dropped before he started going into hysterics, which took awhile. I can only imagine what would have happened if I had spilled soda or something sticky.

So, I got to thinking. What if there was an easier way to clean crap up when you get it all over your car? I mean, Tide is all about being clean right? BAZINGA. What if you had a little car companion with cleaning stuff in it? Behold my creation:


It’s features:
– a hook on the back to it can hang on the back of a seat or on a car door handle
– a compartment on the side for a Tide-To-Go pen in case food spills on you while riding

– tissues and napkins
– a mini vacuum
– Tide-scented air fresheners
– Tide stain spray for car carpet
– a section of Tide-scented mini garbage bags

It would be small, it would be convenient, and it would help you out whenever you are in your car (which is generally daily). It would branch out the Tide brand and make it so that the clean feeling it brings doesn’t just have to apply to clothes.

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