#29 – It’s the little things that matter. (Decipher)

The exercise we did in class today was incredibly eye opening for me. I feel like I have grown so much since the beginning of the semester and I cannot wait to see how much further I can go. Let me update you on what we did.

Worked with partners to brainstorm and got to stare at and take pictures of their beautiful faces.

Worked with partners to brainstorm and got to stare at and take pictures of their beautiful faces.

Got to use our handsome professors as models.

Got to use our handsome professors as models.

Brainstormed about boring things and gross things (that ended up being not so boring and gross)

Brainstormed about boring things and gross things (that ended up being not so boring and gross)

And explored the very ends of our imaginations in search of ideas about Crayola crayons and Tide

And explored the very ends of our imaginations in search of ideas about Crayola crayons and Tide

Throughout this exercise, I realized that some of the smallest things can have the greatest meaning. For example, I ask you to refer to the third picture in this post. Nothing special, right? Actually, you are incorrect. Notice how I circled the two Ms in the word common on the top of the page and drew a little doodle above them. I have no idea why, but my mind ran wild with this. I saw the Ms together and thought it looked like on of those big concrete bridges you see over large masses of water. Then I started thinking about how I had gone jet skiing in a place that had one of these and almost crashed and bloodied up the entire ocean. I started thinking about what it would take to design such a magnificent structure and what keeps it stable.

Before this class, I never really let my mind reel like this before. Will’s 7 minute writing exercise from last class also hit me hard as well. I am a person who ALWAYS thinks before I speak. I have suffered from the fear of being judged for a very long time and am just now beginning to break out of this nasty habit. During the exercise, Will told us to write down everything we thought of, even if we thought it was stupid or inappropriate. This is not something I am generally comfortable doing, however I have been pushing myself to the limits lately. I have stopped analyzing everything that comes out of my mouth and just let it happen. My friends have noticed a big difference. It makes me feel like I’m doing something right when one of my friends calls me creative or brilliant. I know I have a LONG LONG LONG way to go, but at least I feel like I am improving as time progresses.

Tide may not be the most interesting product to work with, but you can MAKE it interesting. Through these exercises, I have learned to stop digging for a meaning and trying to decipher what every little thing could mean. Tide has so many possibilities, as anyone who works for their advertising firm could attest to, I’m sure. I just have to let things come to me, and let the little things get my mind going.



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