#33 – My OCD Man (Compulsion)

I got so excited when I found out this was the directive for this week. During class when we were asked what Tide would be like as a person and what specific attributes he would have/what type of person would use Tide, I was totally thinking of a completely OCD guy. Go me! So, I […]

#31 – The Unnoticed (Quotidian)

I think one of the greatest ironies in our lives is that there is so much around us, but with every day that goes by, we miss more of it. Just last night I was walking down the side walk when I noticed that I had three shadows. There were different streetlights casting their glows […]

#30 – Car companion (Quotidian)

I am a huge mess maker. Every day I either spill something on the floor, get food on my shirt, or break something valuable. Fun story for you. I have a friend who is OBSESSED with his car. It’s a red Mustang convertible, so I understand why, but it’s kind of ridiculous. He gets it […]

#26 – Stranded!

I told one of my friends to give me a random word that I could use for a directive. They said dessert. After awhile thinking about cake, pie, ice cream, and all of your general sweets, I had a huge change in my train of thought. Instead of thinking of it as dessert, like after […]

#25 – Unidentified Filthy Object

I’m really into old computer games. Have y’all ever played Space Invaders? It’s probably my favorite. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you basically have a little space ship and have to shoot the UFO’s that are coming toward you before they hit you or shoot you. I’ve decided that since Gain has […]

#24 – Clean shaven

I love me some facial hair. If a guy can pull it off, it’s incredibly attractive. However, I have a few stipulations. I can’t stand when it gets so long that it looks all scraggly and gross. If you’re gonna keep it long, trim it or shave it. Now, for those guys who are too […]

#23 – Tide Ride

Tide rhymes with Ride. Simple linguistic rule. I was sitting around thinking about how much I want to go back to Kings Dominion this summer since I went to Fear Fest in October and loved it. I used to be scared of roller coasters. The first time I went to Kings Dominion, the only ride […]

#22- Come clean!

I am very much a secret keeper. I’m kind of shy and I’ve always been afraid of judgement. However, I’ve found that letting yourself open up once in awhile can do wonders for your self esteem. I thought that since Tide is all about “clean”, they could create a website where individuals could “come clean” […]

#21 – Suck on this. (Soul)

The first thing when I though of when I thought of soul was the Dementors in Harry Potter. For those of you who may not be Potterheads like be, they are these black, cloaked, evil flying figures that suck every ounce of happiness out of you. Though it is quite depressing when you sit and […]