#20 – I’m a SOUUUUUL MAAAAAN. (Soul)

Blues Brothers. It’s a classic. If you haven’t seen it, you really should. It’s one of my favorite movies. I even made one of my best friends dress up with me as Jake and Elwood (the girl versions of course) for Halloween one year. This directive was perfect, I mean PERFECT, for this because my […]

#15 – The people who are intelligent enough to run the country are intelligent enough not to try. (Axiom)

I absolutely hate politics. Yes, that probably sounds ignorant, but I really just don’t like anything political whatsoever. Now, don’t get me wrong. I understand politics just fine. I can listen to a political debate and understand exactly what is going on, the potential consequences of decisions made by either political party, and their differences […]

#12 – Tide: Piaget Style (Cognitive)

If you’ve ever taken a psychology class in college you’ve heard about Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive development. He focuses on the cognitive development of children and why they do certain things at certain stages of their life. I’ve found that some of his experiments could be carried out using Tide and concepts relating to it. […]

#11 – Clowning around! (Cognition)

Learning is a cognitive process, right? Right. I love learning new things, and I thought I would find something obscure to learn with Tide Pods. My boyfriend happens to know how to juggle. He even rides a unicycle and does goofy tricks. So, since he’s tried to teach me to juggle before (unsuccessfully, I might […]

#10 – Eruption of Ideas (Cognition)

Okay, it’s not the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen, but you’ll be fine. Just hear me out. So, cognition, right? That, to me, initially equates to thinking. Thinking equals brainstorming. Guess what I did? I decided to use a word web so get by brain cranking. I ended up branching off into dreaming, and […]

#8 – Have Pride in your Clothes (Emotion)

Okay, this one is a little controversial and risky, so bear with me. I think pride is one of the most important emotions an individual can ever experience. Now, I’m not talking about being proud as being arrogant, so disregard that notion for the sake of this post. I’m talking about being legitimately proud of […]

#7 – I peed my pants! (Emotion)

Being nervous inevitably leads to something embarrassing happening. I can say this from personal experience. When I was in third grade, my class put on a performance for the whole school about different cultures and cultural leaders from all over the world. I was excited for the performance and I worked so hard to get […]

#6 – Merry Christmas! (Emotion)

Nobody has experienced excitement until they have woken up on Christmas morning to find a pile of presents under the tree with their name on them. The lights in each person’s eyes as they tear the wrapping paper off and uncover something they have wanted for so long is absolutely magical. This excitement is what […]

#5 – Be My Valentine? (Emotion)

Valentine’s Day is my favorite holiday. Hands down. It is the one day a year that most people actually think about expressing how much they love one another. I consider myself a hopeless romantic and I always go overboard when it comes to lovey-dovey things on February 14th. My emotions completely run my live, which […]